Page 3 - Smartline eBook - First home buyer
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 So you’re thinking of buying your very first home?
Congratulations, this can be one of the most exciting times in your life. It can also be quite confusing and stressful, so we’re here to help.
Entering the world of property ownership is a big step. It gives you the opportunity to build wealth and security, and provide a more certain future for yourself and your loved ones.
But with that opportunity comes new responsibilities, including having to meet ongoing mortgage repayments. It also comes with new risks, such as purchasing the wrong home, taking out the wrong home loan or even buying something you can’t really afford.
To help you navigate these uncertainties and maximise your chances of a successful journey into home ownership, we’ve created this guide to buying your first home.
You’ll find everything you need to know about the home-buying process, as well as information on how to get a home loan, how to choose the right home, and how to avoid common mistakes first home buyers make.
If you have any questions, we’re here to help.
 First home buyer guide 3

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